Over the weekend...

I generally issue a book from the library to read over the weekend - which carries on throughout the week. Which means by Friday I am ready for the next.

A lot of my friends have spent months over books that I read over a couple of weeks -  that's just the way it is. I love reading a book before I go off to sleep (and with my morning cup of tea!).

This week’s read :Read Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach.

Had heard a lot about the book but somehow never got around to reading it. It’s such a wonderful fable about a seagull that tries to pursue its passion, dares to do things differently. It is a story of self-perfection – very inspiring. I wonder why I did not read it earlier.

If you get a chance to read it you must. Highly recommended!

It was not a thick read, I finished reading it over the weekend itself. Which means I NEED to get another book to last me through the week.

Any suggestions???


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