Diet friendly Gajar ka Halwa

Gajar ka Halwa is one of the Indian desserts I love - not only because it reminds of cozy winter evenings at home but also because I am a little partial to vegetables and fruits in any form. Needless to say, if I get a chance to incorporate them in the desserts, I jump at it.

As is the case with most Indian sweets, they are laden with calories. We love to be generous I guess - be it in the use of ghee or in the liberal quantities of sugar syrup in which we soak our sweets !!!

Tasty as they are - I am afraid Indian desserts are not very friendly to the weight watchers or those of us who like to mind our waist-line.

As with everything indulgent, we have two options - TO EAT OR NOT TO EAT !!!

Fortunately for me, I have come up with a third - "How to make it healthier". 

This is what I came up with...


750 gm carrots (peeled and grated)
1.5 lt full cream milk
4 green cardamoms (crushed)
1/4 cup mixed chopped nuts (pistachios / almonds / raisins / cashews)
Sugar / sugarfree (depends on how sweet you like it)
1 tsp ghee

Yeah - I used sugar free 'cause I thought if I am cutting on calories, why not go the whole mile.

In a deep, thick-bottomed pan add the grated carrots. Cook for some time till the carrots begin losing the moisture. Add milk to the carrots along with the cardamons and chopped nuts. 

Continue to stir and cook on medium heat till the milk is reduced and the carrots are cooked.

The key is to make sure you are stirring constantly else the mixture can catch at the bottom of the pan.

Just before taking off the flame add the sugar / sugar free and the teaspoon of ghee to the halwa. 

I like to eat it warm / hot - you can eat it as you want - hot or cold. I assure you it is delicious either way.

This recipe is a must try for working professionals, who either don't have the time to cook or the inclination to spend hours in the kitchen. It's extremely easy to put together and makes you feel like a kitchen diva!

Necessity is the mother of invention they say - after you try this much lighter version of the Gajar ka Halwa you will agree :)


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